Saturday, July 29, 2006

Social Entrepreneurship - Resources to Find Out More

Social Entrepreneurship - Resources to Find Out More:

Kailash Satyarthi
South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude (SACCS)
Works to end forced child labor in South Asia.

Moses Zulu
Development Aid from People to People in Zambia (Children's Town)
Educates and integrates AIDS orphans in Africa.

Mimi Silbert
Delancey Street Foundation
Criminal rehabilitation center in which residents run various business enterprises.

David Green and Dr. V:
Hospital and manufacturer of medical devices serving poor people, mainly in India.

Nick Moon and Martin Fisher
Appropriate Technology for Enterprise Creation (ApproTEC)
Manufactures and markets simple agricultural tools that aid in business development in Africa.

Fabio Rosa
Agroelectric System of Appropriate Technology (STA) and The Institute for Development of Natural Energy and Sustainability (IDEAAS)
Distributes alternative energy sources in rural Brazil.

Muhammad Yunus
Grameen Bank
Grants small loans without requiring collateral.

Maria Teresa Leal
Coopa Roca
Brazilian sewing cooperative.

Albina Ruiz
Ciudad Saludable
Alternative waste management organization in Peru.

Dina Abdel Wahab
Baby Academy
Alternative preschool chain in Middle East.

Inderjit Khurana
Ruchika School Social Service Wing, Train Platform Schools
Educational opportunity for indigent children in India.

Sompop Jantraka
Development and Education Program for Daughters Community Center (DEPDC)
Education and socialization program for girls and women in Thailand who would otherwise be forced into prostitution.

Organizations that specialize in providing direct support to social entrepreneurs

Skoll Foundation
Advances systemic change to benefit communities around the world by investing in, connecting and celebrating social entrepreneurs. The foundation extends its mission through Social Edge, an online resource for the social entrepreneur community.

Editor's Note: PBS's editorial standards typically prohibit the inclusion of a funder on a resources page. However, we are making a special exception in this case since the funder, in our editorial judgment, is a related resource of potential educational interest to visitors.

Global Giving
Enables individuals and companies to find and support social and economic development projects around the world.

Develops the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world by investing in people.

The Schwab Foundation
Supports social entrepreneurship as a key element to advance societies and address social problems.

Echoing Green
Sparks social change by identifying, providing startup grants, supporting, and connecting social entrepreneurs and their organizations.

Acumen Fund
Supports entrepreneurial approaches to solving global poverty by providing a blueprint for building financially sustainable and scalable organizations that deliver affordable, critical goods and services to the poor.

Draper Richards Foundation
Helps people create wide-reaching social change by providing funding and business mentoring to individuals and their non-profit organizations.

Kauffman Foundation
Improves economic welfare and academic achievement of children in low-income families by promoting entrepreneurship-friendly policies and research in technology and education.

Organizations that offer research tools for finding and supporting innovative social organizations

Charity Navigator
Evaluates financial health of America's largest charities in order to advance a more efficient and responsive philanthropic marketplace.

Connects volunteers and donors with international Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs).

General Resources for Research on Social Change Organizations
Online media gateway designed to inform about human rights and sustainable development worldwide.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy — online newspaper
Print and online newspaper covering the world of nonprofits.
Inspires change by providing resources in an online community that competes to find the best solutions to social problems, then collaborates to refine, enrich and implement them.
Helps members and supporters find practical solutions to social and environmental problems by connecting people, organizations and resources.

Research Organizations based in Universities

Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford University
Promotes the advancement of social entrepreneurship worldwide.

Social Enterprise Initiative at Harvard Business School
Educates leaders by integrating social enterprise-related research, teaching and activities.

Center for Social Innovation (CSI) at Stanford Graduate School of Business
Promotes solutions through interdisciplinary research, teaching beyond the classroom and efforts to engage with those who lead social change.

Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business
Explores adapting business concepts, tools and skills to the social sector in appropriate, practical and effective ways, increasing awareness on a local, national and international level.

Columbia Business School: Social Enterprise Program
Empowers students to achieve social benefit through business practices.


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